Kevin Mildau as postdoc
Kevin Mildau as postdoc
Postdoctoral researcher

Kevin holds a BSc. in Biotechnology (Systems and Synthetic Biology) and a MSc. in Bioinformatics, both from Wageningen University & Research (WUR). After his MSc he continued with a research project on 16S microbiome community statistics at the Mathematical and Statistical Methods group (Biometris, WUR) and Danone Nutricia Research. From there, he continued with a PraeDoc research position at the Department of Analytical Chemistry at University of Vienna under the supervision of Christoph Büschl, Jürgen Zanghellini, and Justin van der Hooft, focusing on computational tool development for untargeted metabolomics. During this PhD project, Kevin developed tools to improve untargeted metabolomics workflows, most notably in the form of homologueDiscoverer, a data mining tool for grouping LC-MS peaks into homologous series in R, and specXplore, an interactive and adjustable mass spectral similarity network exploration dashboard that facilitates data exploration and mass spectral annotation efforts. During his PhD he also started work on msFeaST, a feature-set-testing extension of specXplore.

During his PostDoc at the van der Hooft group Kevin continues his research development efforts by improving the accessibility of specXplore and msFeaST (in development) to the research community and extending their respective functionalities.

- Metabolomics and Cheminformatics
- Mass Spectral Similarity Networking
- Interactive Data Visualization
- Data Science & Engineering
- Statistics & Machine Learning
- Research Software Engineering

Pairwise ratio-based differential abundance analysis of infant microbiome 16S sequencing data, NAR Genomics and Bioinformatics, 2023,

Homologue series detection and management in LC-MS data with homologueDiscoverer, 2022, Bioinformatics,

Good practices and recommendations for using and benchmarking computational metabolomics metabolite annotation tools, 2022, Metabolomics,

Preprint: Tailored mass spectral data exploration using the specXplore interactive dashboard,